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Manual for Spinor mini (AK TOM) 3 modes in English, Russian and Germany Download

Manual in English for Spinor 11 modes Download

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First step with Spinor Download

Manual for infrared emitter Download


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  • Amauri Schon
    2021-05-02 10:33:21
    For how long the emitters can work detached from the device?
    Администратор сайта
    When you record information at emitter, it will be transmitted without time limit. Till the moment when you again connect this emitter with device and turned on it. After this the old information automatically will be deleted.

  • Victor
    2020-10-18 17:16:32
    Is it safe to use device treating the head (crown, eyes, ears, occipital ridge, etc..). ??
    Администратор сайта
    Victor, yes it is safety

  • Joanne miyao
    2020-10-04 20:04:05
    After you structure the water can you boil it to make tea without changing the structure?
    Администратор сайта
    Hello! If you boil structured water, the water will lost the structure

  • Victor Kendal
    2020-09-04 13:18:46
    Is it possible to treat the head, eyes, ears ?? If so, which is best protocol, etc... ??
    Thank you.
    Администратор сайта
    Victor, hello! What exactly are the diagnoses?

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