EHF-therapy or millimeter wave therapy with SPINOR (AK TOM) device is an efficacious method for managing and preventing many diseases. It is successfully used both in medical settings and as home treatment.
Each cell in the human body has a certain function which makes all our organs and systems work in harmony and allows energoinformational exchange. Stress, age, medical history, Inflammations, and bad ecology distort the information links between the cells.
The main aim of EHF-therapy is to restore these links and normalize biochemical processes.
- mode No. 1. General EHF-mode
- mode No. 2. BRR (bioresonance radiation) mode
- mode No. 3. Stress-related conditions: neurotic disorders, high or low blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia etc.
- mode No. 4. ENT diseases (Ear, Nose, Throat) — tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis etc.
- mode No. 5. Cardiovascular system diseases — angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, hypertension and hypotension, blood vessel diseases etc.
- mode No. 6. Pulmonary diseases — tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma etc.
- mode No. 7. Endocrine diseases — diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders; gastrointestinal disorders— pancreas gland, liver, and bladder, stomach and duodenum, intestinal disorders etc.
- mode No. 8. Bone diseases — osteochondritis, arthrosis, arthritis, injury-related diseases etc.
- mode No. 9. Diseases of the genitourinary system — kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, uterus, ovaries.
- mode No. 10. Skin diseases — allergic dermatosis etc.
- mode No. 11. used with biologically active points (BAPs).
Russian Federation Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare approved more than 77 diseases that may be managed with Spinor (AK TOM) device.
- Special modes to treat certain organs and systems. We work with a certain problem and enhance the process of recovery.
- Mode No. 3 antistress is a unique feature of the device. It helps to relieve fatigue, solve sleep problems, get rid of headaches, panic attacks. It efficaciously solves any problems with blood pressure and other stress-related conditions. Stress is the underlying cause of any chronic disease. More than 70% of diseases today have a psychosomatic nature which proves the fact that stress is a global problem.
- Display of Spinor (AK TOM) device shows the current mode and duration. It is convenient to monitor the duration of sessions and switch off the device when you need a shorter impact than it was preset.
Main methods of application:
The device has two key methods of impact on the body – EHF-mode and BRR-mode. You may also apply IR-therapy (infrared radiation), it is different from EHF and we will describe it below.
This is extremely high-frequency impact with red, blue or green emitter for individual body systems and a yellow emitter (general mode).
To start EHF-session:
1. Connect the wire and the emitter.
2. Apply the emitter to the problem area.
3. Fix the emitter with sticking plaster or use a special strap.
4. Switch on the device, select the mode.
5. Enjoy the therapeutic effect of SPINOR (you may use two emitters simultaneously).
6. When EHF-session is complete, you may leave the emitter for further BRR-therapy.
EHF-therapy has a light sedative effect and in cases of individual hypersensitivity to EHF-radiation patients may feel sleepy and report reduced attention spans. It is recommended to avoid doing jobs requiring concentration including driving immediately after the session.
The easiest way to use the device is to impact the pathological area or its projection on the body surface. In short, impact the area that hurts.
This is the impact with electromagnetic information from our body or from a medical drug, for example. For this reason, BRR has no contraindications and it may be used for treating babies.
BRR is mode No. 2 and it is used in the following cases:
a) Local impact – record data about injury, burns, skin rash, fungus etc. in the mode No. 2. Disconnect the emitter and apply it to the area from which the data was recorded. In case the problem is with the organs, then it is necessary to palpate the area to identify the source of pain.
b) Record the data from any body fluids (it is for this reason that we have our samples taken – results of tests help to make a diagnosis) or any external manifestations of diseases such as skin rash, edema, tender points etc. Then we apply the emitter with the recorded data to the carotid artery or wrist veins. The blood will carry the information all over the body.
c) Use properties of water to retain memory. As in the above mentioned cases, we record the data and carry it to water.
The efficacy of treatment with Spinor (AK TOM) is better when you use all the options of BRR-mode. For example, if a patient has toenail fungus, it is recommended to record information from the fungus and carry it to water or to wear the emitter on the wrist during daytime and on the leg at night (for convenience reasons).
- The easiest way is to impact directly on the area that causes pain using EHF or BRR. If you are not sure, use yellow (general) emitter and general mode.
- The more advanced method is to use EHF and BRR over the projection of the organ or over corresponding areas (Zakharyin-Geda zones, Su jok therapy zones).
- Supplementary method — impact on biologically active points (BAPs). This method is primarily used by reflexologists.