Extremely High Frequency (EHF)-therapy, or MM-therapy, is a new method of treatment, based on the different biological effects of low power level of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the millimeter (MM) band
About EHF

The thermostability and density of water-salt solutions of DNA, irradiated by non thermal coherent millimeter electromagnetic waves with frequency 64.5 GHz have been investigated using the methods of spectrophotometry and densitometry. It is shown that the thermostability of DNA and density of its solutions are increased, depending on time of irradiation.

QUANTUM THERAPY IN THE PHYSIOTHERAPY FIELD Quantum Medicine (QM) uses the phenomenon according to which all the processes following vital activity of living organism are distinctly reflected in the pattern of electromagnetic (EM) information field existing around and within the organism.

Effects of millimeter-wave therapy (EHF)
Millimeter Waves – EHF September 16, 2010 David Rindge Bioelectromagnetic Research Library INFLUENCE OF MILLIMETER-WAVE ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSION ON NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHESIS DURING VESSEL ENDOTHELIUM AGING IN VITRO. [Article in Russian] Molodtsova ID, Medvedev DS, Poliakova VO, Lin’kova NS, Gurko GI.

EHF therapy and Heart Muscle
The results of a number of investigations indicate on the role of NT effect of MMWradiation on functional activity of nervous system

Medical application of millimetre waves
Pain relief is considered among the most general purposes of MW therapy application: in one of the largest cardiology centres in Russia, a clinical study is underway in which the decreased level of blood endorphins in patients with acute cardiac disorders is regarded as an indication for performing MW therapy

Different types of biological effects, observed in MMW application, are the reasons that several major methods of EHF – therapy have been developed to date. It is well established today by theoretical, experimental and clinical data, that exposure point or area, rather than radiation frequency, plays an essential role in the treatments efficiency.

If concomitant CMI is detected, BRR therapy is necessary to be included in complex preoperational preparation as alternative method of treatment for elimination CMI from organism and to raise the efficiency of surgical treatment.

Effects of EHF waves on chromatin conformation in cells
We studied MMW effects on chromatin conformation in Escherichia coli (E. coli) cells and rat thymocytes. Strong dependence of MMW effects on frequency and polarization was observed at nonthermal power densities