Аntiparasitic pendant




Pendant “Opisthorchis” with recording of  live opisthorchis. It is designed to work with parasites that have entered the body and complicate its activities. For example, if there is a bad outflow from the liver, stagnation in the pelvis, hence varicose veins and so on can be provok by  opisthorchis, which lives in the liver . Results of studies say that 40-60% of the population suffer from opisthorchiasis, Giardia, etc. As, for example, it can enter the body with poorly processed fish (dried, smoked, salted, raw fish or steak).

During diagnostic procedures, opisthorches are found in the ducts of the liver and gallbladder in 100% of patients, in the gallbladder pathogens are detected in 60% of the invaded, in the pancreas – in 36% of patients.

We conducted a study of treatment of opisthorchiasis using FREE mode in our devices.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis apparatus EHF therapy SPINOR. And at the base of this study made this pendant.


At 23:00, glue the pendant on the gallbladder and go to bed. In the morning, pour 500 ml of water into the bank, structure it, while applying the pendant to the bank to record the water information from it. On an empty stomach we drink 200 ml of this water. Then drink 200 ml of this water 30 minutes before lunch. And the remaining 100 ml of the same water we drink before going to bed.