Spinor (CEM TECH)
Is a reliable device with the following functions to improve your health:
- Immunity support
- Maintaining normal blood pressure
- Strengthening vessels and building better blood
- Decreasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes
- Improving the health of internal organs
- Improving joint flexibility
- Removing parasites
- Increasing general body tonus
- Preventing cancer
- First aid for cuts and burns
- Eliminating pain and inflammation
Its effectiveness is verified and proved:

Spinor treatment methods have been evaluated at Russian clinics during studies with more than 20 680 patients.

It has been successfully used in medical practice and for providing patient care for more than 20 years.

It was certified and has a European quality certificate (AK TOM).

The device received 10 awards at international and Russian exhibitions.
Watch video about Spinor devices
Spinor (CEM TECH) devices are a series of physiotherapeutic devices for treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases. The device is based on the principle of normal cells frequency reproduction (EHF-therapy). This principle allowed to go beyond traditional approach – that includes making a diagnosis and then treating the symptoms – and start eliminating the cause of disease and strengthen natural body defenses.
Bioresonance mode fixes electromagnetic radiation of pathogens (viruses, fungi, parasites etc.) and inhibits them. Due to this, device proved its effectiveness in managing viral, infectious and parasitic diseases. These treatment methods are approved by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Modern treatment is mainly associated with the use of pharmaceutical products. Unfortunately, it has a downside. Using portable EHF device SPINOR (CEM TECH) in a comprehensive program of therapy, you can significantly increase its effectiveness, avoid side effects of tablets and reduce the toxic load on the body. In some cases, avoid taking pills and treat only with the use of the device.
The advantage of this type of physiotherapy can be attributed to the painlessness (which is very important for children or hypersensitive people) and the absence of side effects, because spinor has a mild and safe effect on the body.
This type of physical therapy you can also apply at home. We have many elderly clients who independently use our equipment at home. Detailed instructions are attached to the device, and it is always possible to seek advice.
This medical device allows you to reduce the time of recovery in acute diseases such as SARS, influenza, cancer, etc. Also, many surgical problems can be avoided surgery, if the treatment was started in the early stages.
Spinor can be used in the treatment of diseases associated with aging: cancer, allergic and autoimmune processes. In such cases, EHF therapy can be an effective addition to existing therapies, as well as eliminate individual unpleasant symptoms, prepare and eliminate complications of drug aggression.